del•i•ra•tion (n); delusion, an abnormal state of mind


they/them. unlabeled. ind/eng

contents omniscient reader's viewpoint


my account is not limited to my writing. i tweet what i feel like iti write orv's joongdok (yoo joonghyuk & kim dokja) social media au, but it's possible to widen the range of whom i'd like to write near future (couple & fandom) and other works i'd like to postmore ...
i try to interact with my best and i don't bite (i love interaction & commentary on my aus!), i curse on my tweet out of habit, might bring nsfw contents to your tl tho i don't (explicitly/graphically) make one


it is important to note that i don't own any drawing that is attached to my works. it is purely used for scene illustration purpose and i don't profit any of it. it is also applied for real people illustration on my works that i mainly found on pinterest. credit to all of the rightful ownersmoreover, please differentiate my works from the canon orv universe. fanfictions are created for fun and have nothing to do with the real plot